
Surprisingly and amazingly we found out after just one 21-day round of intensely aggressive chemo we are in REMISSION. What that means is there are no cancer cells showing up in Nick’s bone marrow from a biopsy that was done on May 5. (I am choosing to believe it was an 11-year wedding anniversary gift to us from the universe!)

Though phenomenal news, for us remission is not a cure. It is a first step on our road to cured; a vital checkmark we have to hit to move on to our ultimate treatment of a bone marrow transplant. Now comes maintaining remission until the bone marrow/stem cell transplant donation stars align, a process that has been going on in the background led by just some of the awesome staff we’re fortunate to have helping us, and we stay in remission by continuing our alternating aggressive 21-day A/B chemo rounds until we get the news it’s transplant time. We head back to the hospital for a 5-day stay on Monday.


Donors update


The beginning(ish)