The beginning(ish)

Just over six weeks in and with two fast and furious rounds of chemo under our belt, we’ve had some time to process, reflect and make sense of what’s been going on. It’s hard to believe it hasn’t even been two months yet since diagnosis with the amount of information we’ve learned (and continue to learn daily) and are excited to share with you. Our biggest hope for and why we started a website in the middle of all of this is to help others in similar situations and – after getting so much amazing support – wanting to encourage you all to help as well. Hopefully this will also help us all feel a little more connected to each other in a time and place where we can’t physically see people for a while due to safety concerns.

What’s next

Heading into “Chemo Round 3” (which is what we call it, vs. the real medical name “HyperCVAD Round 2A”: which is the second time we’re doing chemo regimen “A“) on Monday, it’s somehow already started to feel a little like old hat, knowing more or less what to expect and at the same time going into it as if we’re starting from the beginning, what with having our third “day 1” coming, and never truly knowing what lies ahead, no matter how familiar the calendar is. The nice difference this time will be not having to do the entire month/round at the hospital (and without the dogs) to be monitored since they are confident with how he’s been responding throughout the month and have allowed us to front load the round’s treatment in the hospital and then do some chemo treatments and follow ups at home and as an outpatient.

Nick’s been recovering and handling the aggressive chemo regimen extremely well which is one of the reasons why we’ve been able to move so quickly through and to each round so far. We learned recently we’re already amazingly and surprisingly in remission after just the first round (1A) of chemo – another rare but very welcome thing to add to this already rare journey – and as of right now are waiting for donors to be tested and whittled down to find the best match and schedule alignment, with a (tentative) possibility of getting our transplant in early August.

Thank you. For all the kind words, well-wishes and so much love and support. It has been nothing short of overwhelming and amazing, and every day we are incredibly grateful for you being in our lives.

