A nurse appreciation post

Really a thank you to ALL of the staff who have helped (and will help) us on this journey: the nurses, doctors, techs, pharmacists, cleaning crew, kitchen staff, maintenance, researchers, and no doubt countless others who I either can’t remember the categories of because my brain is mashed potatoes right now, or who we are completely unaware of who have been tirelessly working in the background outside of our direct line of sight.

We see you and feel your presence and appreciate everything you do every day to help make our and everyone else’s day and lives incrementally better.

Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed, and we could not do it without you.

We usually try to bring something every hospital stay or big clinic visit to show our appreciation for the hardworking medical team. This time the clinic got fresh Round Rock Donuts.


A long week + a reminder


Round 2A continues